Banda/Band: Sect of Execration | Godless Truth (Cze) | Sarcolytic | Devourment (US)
Álbum/Album: Ossuary Industries Limb Splitter
Ano/Year: 2006
Tipo/Type: Split CD
Rótulo/Label: Ossuary Industries
Gênero(s)/Genre(s): Brutal Death Metal
País/Country: United States of America | Czech Republic | United States of America | United States of America
Qualidade/Quality: 320kbps
Grandeza/Size: 75.37 MB + Covers
Sect of Execration
1. Lord of the Sick
2. Blessed Be the Whores of God
Godless Truth (Cze)
3. Unable to Bleed
4. Limits of Dignity
5. Arras Persecute
6. Serpent of Hecate
Devourment (US)
7. Deflesh the Abducted
8. The Pick-Axe Murders (Cannibal Corpse cover) - Download - Download
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